Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Figs and Leeks

Today I'm going to cover two nights' worth of eating!  That's a lot of eating...and a lot of food to write about!  Hopefully, as you read this, you will start to feel hungry.  That's a sign of descriptive food-writing.

Figs from the tree in my friends' back yard.

Leeks are one of my (many) favorite vegetables!
Also, this cutting board rocks!  I use it all the time!  
You can get a similar one here:
                  Simply Bamboo 20 X 14 Valencia Bamboo Cutting Board w/ Juice Groove

The first recipe we did was Potato-Leek Pizza from Pioneer Woman.  I had eaten this at a friend's house on New Year's Eve several years ago.  I never forgot about it.  
The recipe is in this book:

The pizza calls for bacon and tells you to cook it up on the stove in a pan.  Once that is done, you cook the leeks in the juices that are left behind.  I have never been a fan of bacon until very recently.  I don't know what changed, but one day I looked at my husband and said, "You know what? I like bacon now."  He said " Okay, we can work with that."  I've been hooked ever since.  One day my mother and I were grocery shopping and about to go to the checkout line.  I asked her to run back and get some bacon, because I had forgotten it.  She looked at me like I had grown two heads and said, "I have never in my life heard you say that!"  Haha!  Despite what they say, people can change I guess.

I can't tell you how delicious these leeks smell cooking in bacon grease!  You'll just have to try this recipe to find out!!

Capable hands rolling out the pizza dough.

The kids are making their own pizzas!

I would never in a million years, think of a recipe like this!  Who would guess that putting potatoes directly onto a pizza crust would be delicious??  Can we say STARCHY?

I feel a little freaked out right now!  Carb overload!

But the result is to die for!!...a slow, carbolicious death!!  And did I mention there is plenty of cheese on it too?  No sauce but, fresh mozzarella, goat and parmesan cheese.  Wowza!!

*A little tip about pizza crusts.  We always bake our's for about ten minutes between rolling it out and placing toppings.  It helps the middle get done and promotes overall betterness (not a word, I know).

The next night, I wanted to work in the fresh figs....because I had to climb a tree to get them!  

I considered doing a dessert, but decided to do an antipasto selection.  Antipasto nights always please everyone, because of the variety of edibles.  Also, it looks fancy, but it is super simple.  Just grab a large platter or two and fill them with all your favorite snacks. They are lots of fun to put together!

Tuesday night Antipasto

This antipasto includes:
Artichoke Pesto (I made the recipe up.  It is included below) with toasted baguette slices and cucumber slices for dipping.
Figs and Blackberries
Herbed Goat Cheese and Prosciutto wrapped Mozzarella Cheese
Pan Sauteed Leeks and Cubanelle Peppers
Some additional veggies on the side...just because my kids actually like them...and anything to get those nutrients in those little stomachs, right?

I literally cooked these whole in the pan until browned, with Olive Oil, Sea Salt and Pepper.  Like some we had in Spain.  They didn't turn out quite as good as those, but they were delightful.

Artichoke Pesto
1 can or jar of marinated artichoke hearts (strained and rinsed)
1/2 a shallot
2 tablespoons Ricotta Cheese
Large handful of Parmesan Cheese
1 tablespoon Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper to taste
*Put everything in the food processor and blend until the biggest chunks are broken down.  You want it to remain somewhat chunky.

Half frozen Mango La Croix in a frosty glass, anyone?

My daughter's tablescape contribution.

The typical foods you think of in the summertime are things like tomatoes, watermelon, etc. etc.  Well, add two more to that list...because they are great summer eats...Figs and Leeks!