Friday, July 17, 2015

Drive-in in the living room

I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but I despise hot weather!  Lucas and I recently escaped to Ireland for that reason...among many others...including the fact that Ireland is just amazing!  But that's for another post.

As temperatures rise, so does my creativity level for indoor activities.

The creativity happened when a large Amazon order came in today.  I saw the box, remembered pins I had seen before on Pinterest, and got to work during nap time.

Last November, we enjoyed a family vacation to Blue Ridge, GA.  We stayed in a cabin in the mountains and experienced all that the small town had to offer.  One of these experiences was a drive-in movie.  We watched Big Hero 6 in a very pleasant temperature, requiring a light blanket.  I wanted to recreate that moment, in air conditioning, in July.

I started by taping the flaps together on the inside, letting the front one attach at an angle (for the windshield).  I cut off the corners along the line of the slanted flap.

Then I painted the car, complete with windows, headlights and door handles.  I used fast-drying acrylic paints.

I grabbed a movie from Avondale Library.  I love that's in our community and we go all the time.  Story time with Ms. Eve rocks!  But Mountain Brook has a better selection of Disney movies.  They know it too!  It's $3.00 a day if it's overdue.  I learned that the hard way when we first moved here.  I racked up a $59.00 fine for several of those being "Room on the Broom", which is on Netflix and we watch for free all the time now.  Thankfully, they do have a one-time fine forgiveness, so I didn't have to pay it.  Wait, what was I talking about?  Ah yes, the movie.  I didn't want to, but I got "Up" for drive-in movie night.  I just couldn't watch it.  That movie makes me bawl my eyes out.  The kids loved it though!

 Popcorn and a movie in a boxcar.

Dinner was also fun.  I used two recipes from Pinterest.

Mexican Street Corn

Cilantro Lime Chicken Thighs

The corn recipe was really really great!  The chicken dish was okay.  I should have browned them more.  But I love that you do the whole thing in a cast iron skillet.  I also threw together a salad with whatever was in the fridge...spinach, tomatoes, olives, cucumber, red onion, queso fresco and honey balsamic vinaigrette.

My fun family, ready for a Thursday night dinner and a movie.


  1. Replies
    1. Rachel, how did you get your name on all your photos? I probably need to do that.

    2. All of my pictures are on my Flickr site. I use html codes to put them on my blog. It's easy!

  2. Thanks Rachel! I will follow your blog! Always looking for friends to follow!
