Friday, October 2, 2015

Taco Bar for Friends!

Today I want to show you how to put together a taco bar that does not consist of the same old know, Seasoned Ground Beef, Cheddar, Lettuce, Tomato, etc.  Not that anything is wrong with that!  Sometimes a good ole plain taco is just what you want!  It's also fun and interesting to get a little creative!  Much like the Gyro Bar for Friends!, a Taco Bar for friends is a great way to serve multiple guests.

The top is a Pork Pineapple Taco with Slaw, Red Onion and extra Cilantro.  
The bottom is a Roasted Butternut Squash and Brussels Sprouts Taco with Queso Fresco and julienned Green Onions.
Both Tacos have Garlic Aioli and we had Friend Plantains on the side.

Our Taco Bar
Mexican Slaw: Recipe Here
A bowl of Roasted Butternut Squash and Brussels Sprouts (recipe below)
Fried Plantains
Warmed Corn Tortillas
A plate of toppings: Garlic Aioli, Red Onion, extra Cilantro, julienned Green Onion, Queso Fresco, Chopped Pineapple, and shredded Cheddar
(not pictured: Slow-cooked Pork)

Roasted Butternut Squash and Brussels Sprouts
1/2 a Butternut Squash (chopped)
1 bag fresh Brussels Sprouts (cut into fourths)
1/4 cup Olive Oil
1 teaspoon Chilli Powder
1/2 teaspoon Cumin
1 teaspoon Chipotle Chilli Powder
salt and pepper to taste
Instructions:  Preheat oven to 400 degrees as you chop everything.  Throw the veggies in a big mixing bowl and toss in the oil and seasonings. Spread evenly onto a roasting pan and bake until starting to brown and the Squash is tender.  Transfer to a lovely bowl to arrange on your Taco Bar.

Slow-cooked Pork
I just bought some type of boneless Pork Tenderloin at Aldi.  You could probably use Pork Chops.  I used all the same seasonings that I put on the roasted vegetables.  Those things, along with some Olive Oil, a splash of Red Wine Vinegar and about 1/2 cup of water went into the crock pot on Low for about 4-5 hours.  I chopped it into small pieces to serve on the taco.

Garlic Aioli
1 cup Mayo
(a healthier version-1/2 cup Mayo, 1/2 cup Plain Greek Yogurt)
2 cloves minced Garlic
salt and pepper to taste
Instructions:  Just mix ingredients and allow the sauce to sit for about 30 minutes, so all the flavors can blend.

Our house was a chaotic place on Taco night!  Lots of kids were running around.  There was one rare moment that I happened to capture, when they were all interested in a movie.
Can you believe it??
Did I mention that an interesting taco night is great for serving friends with kids?  There's an option for everyone!  

You totally don't have to do your taco bar like mine!  Make it your own.  Cook and serve the foods you like the most!  Just get creative with it...that's all I ask!  As always, I hope I've inspired you to do something crazy in the kitchen!

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