Monday, September 14, 2015

Orange Parmesan Sopressata Flatbread

I so enjoy cooking a delicious, toasty and melty Flatbread!  I always keep Indian Naan or Pita Bread on hand.  Also Flatbreads are a quick and low-maintenance lunch for a busy, preoccupied person, like myself. Ha!

So today I made up a new Flatbread recipe.  Lately, I've been inspired by blending sweet and savory/spicy ingredients.  As you read my recipe, you might think I'm a little crazy for a moment.  But I'm okay with that.  It's okay to go a little crazy sometimes when you're cooking...though I just like to think of it as creative!  If you give my idea a chance, you might be pleasantly surprised.

Orange Parmesan Sopressata Flatbread
with Fresh Mozzarella, Basil and Almonds
(it seems like I just told you every ingredient in the title, Ha!  I just wanted to include what makes it beautiful.)
Recipe (for 2 flatbreads):
2 pieces Naan or Pita Bread
Orange Marmalade (enough for spreading, yes I said's the sauce!)
8 slices Sopressata (Italian Salami)-chopped
*Note-If you can't find Sopressata, Salami or any other similar cured meat will work.
1 cup Parmesan Cheese
1 package Fresh Mozzarella Cheese
Handful Fresh Basil Leaves
Handful Slivered Almonds
Crushed Red Pepper to taste
1.  Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
2.  Spread the Marmalade in a thin layer on each pita.
3.  Throw the rest of the ingredients on top of the bread, except for the Basil, Almonds and Pepper.
4.  Bake for 10 minutes.
5.  Turn on High Broil and add the Almonds.
6.  Stay won't take long for the cheese to start to brown and bubble.  As soon as that happens, take it out and top with the Basil and Crushed Red Pepper.

You might not think those flavors would blend well together.  I wasn't completely certain as I was waiting for it to finish cooking.  It really is a beautiful blend.  The freshness of the Basil and Orange flavors together, leave an almost floral sent/taste on the palate.  And I mean that in the best possible way.  By "floral"  I just mean light and fresh.  This recipe turned out to be a real delight!  So go a little crazy and try it soon!

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