Thursday, February 13, 2014

Mamma Mia! Pizza Pizza!

WARNING:  After reading this post, you may experience recurrent and very annoying bouts of singing lines from Dancing Queen in your head for days….'you can dance, you can jive'...yada yada yada!

Tonight we are making pizzas while, you guessed it, listening to Abba music.  I don't know for sure, but feather boas may be involved.

Pizza dough recipe below (courtesy of Martha Stewart):
Note-depending on the theme of the pizza, we like to choose a spice to knead into the dough (Ex: Lauren's pizza has somewhat California-inspired flavors…so we kneaded cumin into the dough for that pizza).  Also, we cook out dough for about 10 minutes before adding the toppings…just so it can set and be a firm foundation for your creativity.  We baked all pizzas at 400 degrees, until the cheese was bubbly.

Erica's Pizza

Mediterranean Mamma Mia
Tomato pizza sauce-however much you want
Shredded mozzarella cheese-however much you want
Handful of baby spinach
Sliced mushrooms
Sliced mini sweet peppers or regular bell peppers (red, orange, or yellow)
Diced fresh tomato
1 pack feta cheese
Sprinkle crushed red pepper on the top and baked
After baking, drizzle with honey
-This pizza has a beautiful sweet and spicy flavor

Lauren's Pizza

Lean Green Dancing Queen
Avocado pizza sauce: 2 avocados, 2-3 cloves of garlic, juice from 1 line, handful of spinach, 1/4 cup olive oil, salt and pepper to taste.  Throw all of these ingredients into a food processor and blend until smooth.
Start by spreading the avocado pizza sauce on the slightly cooked dough.
Cover with tomato slices
Chopped red onion
Cheese of choice (we used cheddar and mozzarella)
Bake until the cheese is melted and garnish with chopped cilantro

Meet our friend, Anne Cross.
She is a very talented lady and a lover of the Beatles.  Among her talents are the following: teaching English and literature, planning and leading international trips, acting in and directing plays, being the mom of two very successful adult children (one of them being Erica's boyfriend), and introducing Lauren to the broadway play, "Mamma Mia!" in London…and then singing the songs in the hotel elevator!
Anne was Homecoming Queen.  Some people still call her Queen Anne.  

Here is our Queen Anne Pizza:

Dough, of course
Pizza sauce
Mozzarella cheese
Pineapple slices
Red onions
Cilantro to garnish

We had as much fun making these pizzas and dancing to Abba, as we did eating them.
We hope you enjoyed reading about our pizza night and feel inspired to create some of your own.  Thanks for reading and tell your friends about 2 Cooking Chicks.  Until next time, "see that girl, watch that scene, dig it the dancing queen"!!

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