Sunday, February 9, 2014

Butternut Who?

Is it possible to be inspired by…kale?  Honestly, I have a love/hate, mostly hate relationship with kale.  I know it will benefit me to consume it, but something about it just…I don't know.  But inspired and empowered I was by the phenomenon of the Kale Pesto Pasta sauce.  I believed I was Vegetable-Pasta-Sauce Superwoman.  So I took it a step further….
There was a lonely butternut squash hanging out on my kitchen counter for a few weeks that needed to be used and needed friends, such as sage, walnuts, parmesan cheese and dried cranberries.  I knew all these flavors were great together from previous recipes.  But what canvas on which to paint these flavors, you may ask?  How about whole wheat Penne?

Butternut Squash Pasta
1 butternut squash (peeled, chopped, steamed in the microwave until soft-in a large bowl with a spash of water and covered with clear wrap)
2 cloves minced garlic
1 teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 cup ricotta cheese
1/2 cup milk
salt and pepper to taste
-Put all these in the blender and blend until smooth.
1 package whole wheat penne pasta-boiled by package instructions
-Once pasta is boiled toss in the butternut squash mixture.  Serve topped with as much as you want of the following:
Parmesan cheese
Toasted chopped walnuts
Chopped sage
Dried cranberries

This recipe makes quite a lot, so I would recommend storing it in a large tupperware and waiting until right before serving to add the beautiful toppings.

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